Extract a queryset which is not in another table using Django orm

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Extract a queryset which is not in another table using Django orm

영리치 0 1,053 2023.01.30 10:48


digitalNodes = DigitalNode.objects.all()
nodeAnswers = NodeAnswer.objects.values_list('node_id', flat=True).filter(user_id = user.id)
oneDigitalNode = digitalNodes.exclude(node_id__in=nodeAnswers).first()

To extract a queryset which is not in another table using Django ORM, you can use the exclude() method on the queryset. Here's an example:

# models.py class MainModel(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class OtherModel(models.Model): main_model = models.ForeignKey(MainModel, on_delete=models.CASCADE) # views.py main_models = MainModel.objects.all() other_models = OtherModel.objects.values_list('main_model', flat=True) excluded_main_models = main_models.exclude(id__in=other_models)

The exclude() method returns a queryset of all MainModel objects whose id is not in the list of main_model values from OtherModel.

와 Django ORM 중인데 백엔드 만만하게 봤었는데 개어려웠는데 한 2시간 넘게 고민한 거 Chat GPT로 5분만에 품 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 와 질문을 개떡같이 했는데 이걸 잘 알아듣고 답을 주네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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