expo bare project로 전환 시 앱푸쉬 토큰 못 가져오는 이슈 존재

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expo bare project로 전환 시 앱푸쉬 토큰 못 가져오는 이슈 존재

영리치 0 2,020 2022.08.15 21:16


[Unhandled promise rejection: Error: No experienceId or projectId found. If one or the other can't be inferred from the manifest (eg. in bare workflow), you have to pass one in yourself.]

다음과 같은 에러 뜨면서 인앱 결제 앱푸쉬 토큰을 못가져옴.

Note: in the managed workflow, you don't need to pass any additional options to getExpoPushTokenAsync. In the bare workflow, you'll need to pass your experienceId. Make sure you read the documentation for more information.

찾아보니 bare workflow에서는 experienceId가 필요한듯?

  • experienceId (string) -- Although this is optional, we recommend explicitly passing it in. The ID of the experience to which the token should be attributed. Defaults to Constants.manifest.id exposed by expo-constants. When building with EAS Build, or in the bare workflow, this is required and you must provide a value which takes the shape @username/projectSlug, where username is the Expo account that the project is associated with, and projectSlug is your slug from app.json.

experienceId는 다음과 같음

exporienceId 주니까 다음과 같이 Expo Token 잘 들어옴. 해결 완료!



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