invalidcredentials: failed to authenticate with the fcm server. ensure the fcm server key you uploaded is correct.

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invalidcredentials: failed to authenticate with the fcm server. ensure…

영리치 0 1,835 2022.07.13 01:45

엑스포 FCM이 서버에 제대로 등록이 되지 않았음

위에 글에서 아래 따라하면 됨

In order for Expo to send notifications from our servers using your credentials, you'll need to upload your secret server key. You can find this key in the Firebase Console for your project:
  1. At the top of the sidebar, click the gear icon to the right of Project Overview to go to your project settings.
  2. Click on the Cloud Messaging tab in the Settings pane.
  3. Copy the token listed next to Server key.
Note: Server Key is only available in Cloud Messaging API (Legacy), which may be Disabled by default. Enable it by clicking the 3-dot menu > Manage API in Google Cloud Console and follow the flow there. Once the legacy messaging API is enabled, you should see Server Key in that section.
  1. Run expo push:android:upload --api-key <your-token-here>, replacing <your-token-here> with the string you just copied. We'll store your token securely on our servers, where it will only be accessed when you send a push notification.
That's it -- users who run this new version of the app will now receive notifications through FCM using your project's credentials. You just send the push notifications as you normally would (see guide). We'll take care of choosing the correct service to send the notification.

invalidcredentials: failed to authenticate with the fcm server. ensure the fcm server key you uploaded is correct.

위에 이슈는 FCM 서버 키 업데이트 하고 남아있던 앱토큰들에서 나오는 이슈임. 새로 앱푸쉬 토큰 발급 받으면 잘 됨


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AI가 봐주는 내 사주팔자 - 운세박사

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