[AWS] 인프라 테스트하다가 요금 폭탄 맞은 경험. (NAT Gateway 포함)

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[AWS] 인프라 테스트하다가 요금 폭탄 맞은 경험. (NAT Gateway 포함)

영리치 0 2,785 2022.02.07 21:12


위 글과 연결되는 글임.

NAT Gateway 뿐만 아니라 

아래의 모든 것들을 신경 써주어야 함

EC2 뿐만 아니라 아래 모든 것을 종료해줬어야 했음


Snapshot, AMI, LB, Elastic IP, ECR Repository, EC2 중지 -> 삭제, Nat Gateway

route53 - alb - eip - ec2 이렇게 흘러들어가는 구조였던 것 같음

아래는 서비스 설명

ECR Repository - 컨테이너 이미지를 S3에 저장하는 것 같음

Elastic IP - 고정 IP를 할당해주는 건데, EC2가 중지되었음에도 EC2에 연결되어 있어서 비용이 청구되는 듯.

LB(로드밸런서) - 부하분산 처리. 리소스가 여유 있는 EC2로 요청을 라우팅

AMI - 템플릿 이미지. 이미지를 사용하면 같은 환경으로 EC2들을 여러 대 쉽게 복제 가능함.

Snapshot - 인스턴스의 특정 시점을 백업한 형태. 파일 형태로 저장되어 있음. Snapshot으로 AMI를 만들어서 EC2 복제 등에 활용할 수 있음.

Nat Gateway - VPC에서 인터넷에 연결되지 않은 Private Subnet이 있을 경우, Private Subnet과 인터넷 혹은 다른 AWS 서비스들과의 통신을 도와줌. Nat Gateway에 Elastic IP 할당되어 있어야 함.

참고로 환불 해달라고 했더니

환불 해준단다.

역시 한국산 떼법은 미국놈들한테도 통하나보다



Hi there, Thank you for reaching out to AWS Billing and Accounts team. As discussed on our chat, the charge was related to EC2 NAT Gateway, Elastic Load Balancers and EC2 Container Registry (ECR) .Please note although your account is under free tier, these services are not covered and or exceeded the free tier limits which caused the charge. For more information on the pricing, please see our pricing pages here: https://aws.amazon.com/vpc/pricing/ https://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/pricing/?nc=sn&loc=3 https://aws.amazon.com/ecr/pricing/ That being said, I can confirm the above resources have been successfully deleted and you will not receive any further charges. Regarding the billing adjustment, I will need to monitor the account for 24 hours to make sure there is no charge increase. Once that is confirmed, I will look into the billing for the month of December and January period for you. Thank you for your patience and understanding while I work on this for you. Wish you a lovely day ahead. We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this correspondence using the AWS Support Center link at the end of this correspondence. Each correspondence can also be rated by selecting the stars in top right corner of each correspondence within the AWS Support Center. Best regards, Akash D. Amazon Web Services =============================================================== To share your experience or contact us again about this case, please return to the AWS Support Center using the following URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/?displayId=9587503561&language=en Note, this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mails. To respond to this case, please follow the link above to respond from your AWS Support Center. =============================================================== Don’t miss messages from AWS Support when you need help! Update your contact information: https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home#/account If you receive an error message when visiting the contact information page, visit: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/iam-billing-access/ AWS Support: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ AWS Documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/

AWS Cost Management: https://aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/

AWS Training: http://aws.amazon.com/training/ AWS Managed Services: https://aws.amazon.com/managed-services/  

111:34:06 AM Akash: Hello, my name is Akash. I'm here to help you today.

11:34:10 AM KevinTest: hello 11:34:22 AM KevinTest: I didn't use any service from AWS 11:34:31 AM KevinTest: But you charged me! 11:34:48 AM KevinTest: How can I solve this and what is the fucking service you charge? 11:35:30 AM Akash: I see, let me check the account and see where the charges are. Allow me one moment please 11:35:33 AM KevinTest: There's no EC2 running 11:36:01 AM KevinTest: Are you kidding me? I didn't use any service from you 11:36:22 AM KevinTest: you should refund the January, December charge 11:37:52 AM KevinTest: What are you doing? 11:37:58 AM Akash: Right I just want you to be aware that the charge is related to EC2 NAT Gateway and Elastic Load Balancers in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) region 11:38:03 AM KevinTest: Where's the EC2 Running 11:38:19 AM KevinTest: NAT Gateway? 11:38:31 AM KevinTest: I terminated that 11:38:42 AM KevinTest: How can I terminate it? 11:38:53 AM KevinTest: This Live Chat cannot attach photo! 11:39:07 AM Akash: Okay yes the NAT gateway is terminated, no problem 11:39:14 AM Akash: Checking the other resources now 11:39:21 AM KevinTest: Your service is really bad. And the charge don't tell me about the NAT Gateway 11:39:28 AM KevinTest: You are really bad 11:39:50 AM KevinTest: you should tell me this charge is about NAT Gateway, not EC2 11:40:26 AM Akash: I understand the concern this has caused, let me help you find the NAT Gateway charge 11:40:37 AM KevinTest: Yes 11:40:44 AM KevinTest: I cannot find the NAT Gateway 11:40:48 AM Akash: https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home?#/bills?year=2022&month=1 11:40:49 AM KevinTest: I terminated all 11:40:54 AM Akash: Please check the above link 11:41:00 AM Akash: This shows the month of January 11:41:29 AM Akash: You can find NAT Gateway under the Elastic Compute Cloud section 11:41:44 AM Akash: It was active for around 53 hours last month and deleted as you just said 11:43:08 AM KevinTest: And then 11:43:18 AM KevinTest: What is Loadblancer? 11:43:42 AM Akash: There are 2 Application Load Balancers active which generated charges 11:43:46 AM KevinTest: How can I terminate all the service I charged 11:44:01 AM Akash: Not to worry, I will give you the steps 11:44:23 AM Akash: First we can delete the load balancers, one moment please 11:44:53 AM KevinTest: I deleted it 11:44:57 AM KevinTest: Is it Okay? 11:45:09 AM Akash: Ah perfect yes, it is deleted 11:45:18 AM Akash: Now let me check under EC2 if there is anything 11:45:50 AM KevinTest: Elastic IP Address 11:45:58 AM KevinTest: How can I terminate it? 11:45:59 AM Akash: Yes and Snapshots 11:46:08 AM Akash: You need to release the Elastic IP 11:46:21 AM KevinTest: I want to terminate it 11:46:42 AM Akash: Releasing the EIP will remove it from the account and stop charges 11:47:10 AM KevinTest: I Released It 11:47:15 AM KevinTest: Is it Okay? 11:47:27 AM KevinTest: So there is no charging service to me in AWS? 11:47:55 AM Akash: There are 3 AMIs active which store your instance data, these also get charged 11:48:04 AM Akash: If you are not using, you can deregister these AMIs 11:48:58 AM KevinTest: I deleted AMI 11:49:02 AM KevinTest: Is it okay? 11:49:08 AM KevinTest: Is there any thing remain? 11:49:14 AM Akash: Okay now you can go to Snapshot and delete the AMI snapshots 11:50:17 AM KevinTest: I deleted it! 11:50:35 AM KevinTest: Snapshot, AMI, LB, Elastic IP 11:50:45 AM KevinTest: These are charged me right? 11:51:12 AM Akash: Alright just two more things to delete Ec2 instance and ECR repository 11:51:22 AM KevinTest: Wow... 11:51:22 AM KevinTest: Okay 11:51:43 AM Akash: The EC2 instance is not being charged now since your account is under free tier for a year but if not being used then you can delete it 11:52:30 AM Akash: You can find the instance in your EC2 console and terminate it 11:52:36 AM KevinTest: There is no EC2 running 11:52:46 AM Akash: It is in stopped state yes 11:52:58 AM Akash: If not being used, you can terminate it. It is your choice 11:53:12 AM KevinTest: EC2 which state in stopped, charged me? 11:53:24 AM Akash: No it will not charge you 11:53:34 AM KevinTest: Okay but I will terminate it 11:53:46 AM Akash: Alright 11:54:33 AM KevinTest: Let's go to ECR repository 11:54:39 AM KevinTest: How can I go there? 11:54:54 AM Akash: Okay click here: https://ap-northeast-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ecr/repositories?region=ap-northeast-2 11:56:21 AM KevinTest: I deleted it 11:56:28 AM KevinTest: Is there any thing remain? 11:56:39 AM Akash: Let me check 11:57:40 AM Akash: That is it. You're all good now 11:58:09 AM KevinTest: Can you refund the charge of Jan, Dec? 11:58:24 AM KevinTest: Your service is really hard to understand for me 11:58:44 AM Akash: Right, I understand this was a confusing experience 11:59:04 AM Akash: I will be happy to look into refund but I will need to get further approval on this 11:59:16 AM KevinTest: Please.... uuu.... 11:59:29 AM Akash: For now, I will monitor the account for 24 hours and make sure there is nothing being charged 11:59:31 AM KevinTest: My mother tongue is Korean 11:59:35 AM KevinTest: Not English 11:59:50 AM KevinTest: Ok I got it...! 11:59:55 AM Akash: Not to worry 00:00:03 PM Akash: I will do my best to resolve this for you 00:00:32 PM Akash: Tomorrow I will send you an email confirmation about the charges 00:00:45 PM KevinTest: I really glad to meet you 00:00:50 PM KevinTest: you are angel... 00:01:01 PM Akash: It was my pleasure :) 00:01:27 PM KevinTest: So should I finish this chat? 00:01:55 PM Akash: Yes you can end this chat, I will keep this case locked to myself. I will also send you an email summary shortly 00:02:03 PM Akash: Have a great day 00:02:53 PM KevinTest: Yes please refund the bill on Jan and Dec 00:02:56 PM KevinTest: Thank you so much! 00:03:19 PM Akash: Okay I understand. Thank you for your time 00:03:26 PM Akash: Goodbye


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